1:1, Postural Assessment, Massage and FRC

I have recently ventured into the world of mobility, strength training and functional movement. As I continue to add to my knowledge and practice, and work with people from different fields, I know that I am developing a more rounded healthy movement practice to support my body and mind. I can now pass what I have learned to my clients whether they be sports people, who put pressure on the muscles, fascia and joints, or those with daily movement issues.

As I teach a lot of sports specific yoga and movement classes, I often deal with people who have injuries and specific areas they want to work on. This has led me to change my style of teaching to be more functional and also to explore various forms of complimentary massage.

After a 10 month course with Michele Hall of Dynamic Balance  I became curious as to how manual therapy could be combined to aid our movement practices, whether it be yoga, strength training, running, cycling, etc, as well as a stand alone therapy for those who are restricted in their movement. It therefore seemed a logical next step to formalise my massage training with a Sports Massage qualification gained in December 2020. I have now completed an accomplished internship programme with Michele in her Edinburgh clinic at The Club to practice, build and sharpen my new skills.

Since then, I have also completed a Postural Assessment Course with Myofascial Release UK and gained my FRCms qualification with Functional Range Systems and am now studying towards my CIMFT in Myofascial Release with MFR UK.

Alongside my manual therapy treatments, I am also offering customised 1:1 deep release sessions for movement practicioners, combining manual therapy, postural assessment and Functional Range Conditioning to help with difficulty accessing poses or restrictions in their movement. These are also available to those without a movement practice who would like to improve their general mobility.

I will be offering these treatments as part of the bespoke package on your stay at Casa del Bienestar. Or if you are local to Lanjaron, you can come to my treatment room in the house. I am also available to provide massage at local events and retreats.

To book your appointment, please email me directly at sharon@move-well.yoga


1 hr treatments -

Postural Assessment with Full Body or Remedial Massage / Movement Therapy - £50

1½ hr treatment -

Postural Assessment, Massage & Movement - £70

½ hr treatment -

Postural Assessment & Movement Top Up - £30

Payment by

Cash or Bank Transfer

24 Hour Cancellation Policy Applies
