Move Well Day Retreats / Workshops

Move Well Feel Better on our Day Retreats and Workshops in the Spa town of Lanjaron

What is a Move Well Day Retreat?

Join myself (Move Well Yoga) and my chef husband, Richard (Bongo) for the perfect combo of Better Movement and fabulous food.
We offer movement holidays with guest teachers, movement specialists and nutritionists joining us to help you move well and feel better.

What is a Move Well Workshop?

Learn how to move well and feel better with our in person workshops in Lanjaron

Our workshops include : Myofascial Release, Strength and Mobility, Yoga for Beginners, Build a New Routine, and even an indulgent afternoon of Yoga, Afternoon Tea and Cava

We can also tailor our workshops for you. Get in touch for more details

Our 2024 Day Retreats / Workshops

  • A Woman's Guide to Menopause with Yoga, Myofascial Release, Time in Nature & Lunch

    With Naomi Schogler and Sharon Iacono

    Escolta Alta Mountain Retreat

    10am - 4pm

    €60 / £52 per person

    Early Bird Price €52/ £45 - Book before 31 August

    This full day retreat in the tranquil mountain setting will centre on deep rest, yoga and a nourishing & tasty lunch.

    Using the tools of Menopause Yoga, time in nature, nutritional guidance, and Myofascial Release, Naomi & Sharon will help you gain a deeper understanding of perimenopause & menopause.

    We will go through natural techniques to use as tools to manage difficult sensations when they arise during perimenopause & menopause.

    We will cover optimum nutrition, natural remedies and lifestyle changes you can make to support you. Our retreat will encompass both traditional practices & science based information.

  • Strength & Mobility Workshop :

    Sunday 29th September 2024

    Escolta Alta Mountain Retreat

    2 hour workshop to help give you the tools to build a routine into your daily life for better movement.

    10am - 12pm

    Coffee & cake after

    20 euros per head

  • Yoga, Afternoon Tea and Cava

    Friday 25th October 2024

    Escolta Alta Mountain Retreat

    2pm - 5pm

    90 minute Yin Yang Yoga Practice led by me.

    Followed by afternoon tea prepared by my chef husband, Bongo. Washed down with bubbles :)

    30 euros per head

  • Myofascial Release Workshop : Release, Activate and Stretch - dates coming soon....

    Escolta Alta Mountain Retreat

    10am - 12pm

    Learn some new techniques for home self massage.

    2 hour workshop

    Coffee and cake after

    20 euros per head