Movement & Bespoke Coaching

Yoga, Mobility & Bespoke Coaching

  • Video Courses

    Practice when you want and what you want with my On Demand Video Classes and Series.

    Series : Hips, Spine, Core, Knees, Upper Body, Breathing and Observation, Sensory Movement, Mobility Flows and More.

    £8 Single Class
    £20 Video Series

  • Facebook Online Yoga Group

    Join me on my new Facebook group where I will be adding 1-2 classes per week.

    Lots of different styles for all levels. From short tutorials and stretches to full length classes. There should be something for everyone.

    £25 per month to join
    Payment via Instabook
    Then click here to join group

  • Bespoke Online Coaching with Kaari Prehab

    100% customized mobility and recovery programming designed around your schedule and tailored to your needs. All through an app, so you can fit in around any schedule.

    Whether you are looking for improved performance, recovery from injury, or just want a little more movement in your life, we can help.

  • In Person Classes

    From July 2024 :

    Calle Señor de la Expiración, Local 1

    Mondays @ 5pm - Strength & Mobility

    Fridays @ 9:45am - Stretch & Mobility

    / 11am - Yoga : Mobility Flow

    If these times don’t suit, let me know

    ** Spaces Limited

  • Workshops

    Learn new skills and deepen your movement practice with my upcoming workshops :

    Friday 19th July : Yoga, Afternoon Tea & Cava

    Saturday 3rd August : Strength & Mobility Workshop

  • In Person small group sessions (maximum 3 people)

    Held in my small movement space at Casa del Bienestar, above the Spa Village of Lanjaron.

    Classes tailored to your needs :




    Get in touch for questions by clicking the link below.